[March-13th-2024] My Artstyle
How do I get my own art style!?
I don't really have the motivation to draw right now, maybe because I "don't" have an art style or because I'm just too busy right now and have found more enjoyment in things like programming my website or even studying for school (I know, crazy). But I still want to keep making art because it's just a part of who I am and I've been doing it for so long. So how do I get my own art style? I think I just need to experience more and draw things that I'm not comfortable with. I should also try to draw more finished drawings and not only sketches. I don't exactly know what I'm looking for, for my art style but artists like Chew and yoshi_akihito inspire me a lot.
I will try to draw more from now on (starting tomorrow, I don't have time today) :)
Lastly some really cool artists: datcravat | shortcxke | Oz | tarouoga | Yongqiang Li | Christian Young | birdweon | gomi | Hyde